Democrats Stoke Racial Division via Reparations
Battleground state voters reject this radical agenda which promotes bigotry and ignores history.
If the radical Democrats prevail nationally in 2024, then white, Hispanic, and Asian Americans will likely soon be forced to pay taxes as a transfer to black Americans. So-called reparations comprise a key element of the extremist and bigoted agenda that is openly pushed by Democrats. These divisive radicals include prominent elected officials in swing states, like Wisconsin US Senator Tammy Baldwin, who co-sponsored legislation to form a US Senate reparations study commission.
Think this prediction is exaggerated?
Well, first consider the broader Leftist agenda of stoking racial division at every opportunity. Then, examine the clear actions and documented statements of 2024 Democrats regarding reparation payments.
For example, right now Biden’s administration demolishes the “Reconciliation Monument” in Arlington National Cemetery. This large work of art has stood for over a century as a sign of healing and renewed brotherhood between North and South following America’s bitter and deadly Civil War.
The inscription on the base of the magnificent statue quotes the Bible: “They have beat their swords into ploughshares.” But people like Tammy Baldwin clearly do not seek such genuine reconciliation, and certainly not regarding race.
Forcing white, Hispanic, and Asian citizens in America, in 2024, to make monetary payments to black Americans, represents a giant step backward regarding racial comity. What could be more unjust than assigning generational guilt to whole swaths of society based on their complexion? How does it make sense in America to use melanin as a marker for culpability?
Moreover, the very notion that America paid no price to rectify the evil of slavery ignores history. The American Civil War exacted a massive toll upon the country in a bloody struggle that led to emancipation. Over 335,000 Northern troops perished in the war, out of a Union population of 18.5 million. Given this death rate of near 2% of citizens overall, the equivalent death toll today would be a staggering 6 million American fatalities!
Consequently, those radicals who are vulgar enough to demand additional reparations should visit Gettysburg National Cemetery, where over 3,500 Union soldiers lay for eternity, their young lives sacrificed for a great cause that led to the elimination of slavery in our land. Reparations were indeed paid, and not just by those brave men, but also by the widows and orphans they left behind.
Sensible Americans overwhelmingly agree with this logic and oppose racial reparation payments. My pro-labor advocacy organization, the League of American Workers, recently surveyed swing state voters, the citizens who will almost surely determine the outcome of the 2024 election cycle.
In the key battleground state of Wisconsin, polling firm North Star Opinion Research asked 600 likely voters: “Is it a good idea or a bad idea for non-Black Wisconsin citizens to make payments to Black citizens based on discrimination in the past?” Only 19% of Wisconsin voters responded that reparations are a “good idea.”
This Wisconsin polling sample, like all our recent battleground surveys, divided exactly evenly between Trump and Biden 2020 voters. As such, our poll reveals from terrible news for race-fixated Democrat officeholders. Even among self-identified Biden voters, 46% believe reparations area a “bad idea.”
In addition, Latino voters in swing states overwhelmingly reject the idea of reparations. In Wisconsin, 63% of Hispanics oppose reparations. As a minority group of hard-working strivers, many of whom only arrived in the United States in recent decades, brown-skinned “bad hombres” across America don’t rally to the idea of their tax dollars flowing to black Americans, purely based on skin color.
Undeterred, the race-obsessed radicals -- Tammy Baldwin, Joe Biden, and the complicit corporate media -- actively seek to stoke racial division in America.
For example, when Joe Biden first entered the White House in 2009, as a vice-president to America’s first black president, fully 66% of people in the U.S. regarded race relations as generally good, per New York Times/CBS polling. But by the end of the Obama/Biden tenure in 2016, that sentiment had totally flipped, with 69% of people assessing race as mostly bad.
So, let’s get back to that pre-Obama, pre-Biden consensus of racial reconciliation. Putting this divisive and unjust notion of modern reparations to bed would be a great start.
America’s history includes serious race-based injustices and crimes, which should never be ignored or explained away. But America is not now, at all, a systemically racist country. Quite the opposite, in fact – so long as we do not allow the extremists to gin up new division.