Greitens Fights Back vs. Shameful Smears from Insiders
Establishment charlatans will go to any lengths to keep this America First stalwart out of the US Senate.
Eric Greitens is a former Navy SEAL and amateur boxing champion, and he presently marshals all that fighting spirit to defeat the corrupt, insider forces of malevolence waging political combat against him. Thankfully, he is also a Rhodes Scholar who possesses the intellectual heft to counter these charlatans willing to go to any lengths to keep this America First stalwart out of the US Senate.
Blockbuster news broke regarding the fraudulent prosecution of Greitens that drove him from the governor’s office of Missouri. A guilty plea was entered in federal court from dirty former FBI agent William Tisaby. He was hired by Soros-backed St. Louis prosecutor Kim Gardner to investigate Greitens. Tisaby was eventually himself charged with 7 felony counts of manufacturing evidence against Greitens and perjury. This leftist, politicized prosecutor dispatched a corrupt cop to help her frame the conservative, Republican governor in a sham case that was eventually dropped.
While Tisaby’s case closes with his admission and conviction, troubles for Kim Gardner just begin. She faces ongoing investigations into her own prosecutorial abuses and her malfeasance will likely soon lead to her disbarment. In addition, the Supreme Court of Missouri just ruled that Gardner must turn over all communications related to her pursuit of Greitens, including messages with her political patron George Soros as well as Missouri partisan political insiders.
In a rational and just political world, this flow of positive news for Eric Greitens would greatly bolster his current US Senate campaign in the Show Me State. Most polling shows Greitens leading in a competitive primary.
But, perhaps not surprisingly, almost concurrent with the Tisaby and Gardner news, the Washington establishment launched a shameful political hit against Greitens, exploiting his own young children as unwilling participants. Eric and his ex-wife Sheena have shared custody of their children for years. Despite their separation, they had both prioritized the interests of their children, and the young boys spend a considerable amount of time with their father in a mutually agreed-upon shared custody schedule.
A dirty tricks squad with possible participation from Bush operative Karl Rove suddenly convinced Greitens’ ex-wife to levy new harsh accusations in an affidavit against Eric, alleging physical abuse of her and their children. Greitens vigorously denies these shameful smears and defends his honor as a loving father.
While he has no interest in besmirching the reputation of the mother of his children, the illogical and dishonest timing of her accusations must be scrutinized. Sheena’s allegations against Eric claim these abuses occurred in 2018. Yet, in 2020 to finalize their separation, she signed a sworn court affidavit, under penalty of perjury, stating there were no "genuine issue as to any material fact" in the couple's divorce. She also pledged that shared custody of their children was "in the best interest of the minor children."
So, the two statements simply cannot be honestly reconciled. At least one of these sworn declarations is false. If Eric had actually committed these terrible offenses, as alleged, in 2018 -- then his ex-wife would surely have surfaced those claims in their divorce and fought strenuously to not allow generous, unsupervised custody of their children with Eric.
So, what really happened here?
Well, Greitens attorney Tim Parlatore shares some important facts. He stated that Sheena’s claims are contradicted by all relevant facts, including her prior sworn statements, as well as medical records, photographs, and her own personal emails.
This dirty political hit targeted not just Eric but also his children. So, who was behind it? It appears Bush political operative Karl Rove at least had working knowledge of the attack. As Parlatore confirms “multiple sources have now confirmed that she did discuss these matters with Karl Rove before they were filed.”
Rove’s knowledge of the political hit was confirmed by highly regarded donor and conservative strategist Steve Hantler. As Breitbart reported : Hantler’s “credibility is clear. He rarely speaks on record with news outlets but is frequently involved in helping top conservative candidates and causes.” Specifically, Hantler verifies that Rove told him about the forthcoming Sheena Greitens allegations about two weeks before she filed her legal complaint against Eric and offered to arrange a meeting with her.
Was Rove working on his own behalf, or in concert with Mitch McConnell? Greitens was, after all, the first major senate candidate in America to publicly promise that he would not support McConnell for Republican leader of the US Senate, given the feckless failures of McConnell to advance the America First agenda. As the ultimate DC insider, did McConnell participate in this shameful attempt to politically decapitate Greitens? Mitch’s role is unclear, but it is confirmed that Sheena’s own sister has worked for three different Washington political firms with deep ties to McConnell.
Greitens accepts that his ex-wife was the victim of scheming political operatives, and he seeks no legal retribution against her. It appears she was manipulated by cagey and corrupt political insiders. Ultimately, this despicable slander could well backfire and turn against these crony insiders who are so desperate to keep Greitens out of the Senate.
The good citizens of Missouri will not allow such obscene and illogical smears to succeed in tarnishing the reputation of a dedicated father like Eric Greitens. These putrid tactics cannot intimidate solid candidates like Greitens, a patriot and political Outsider who threatens the Washington Beltway cabal.
As such, I am proud to reaffirm my enthusiastic and long-standing endorsement of Eric Greitens as the America First warrior that Missouri needs in the US Senate.
Karl Rove and Soros, AGAIN. And why aren't these two in jail?
Keep exposing the traitors.