“Two days after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, 11 out of the 18 people I spoke to would’ve been happy if Donald Trump was assassinated.”

Ami Horowitz in NYC. Why do so many people feel this way? Because for the past 8 years the democrats and their media have demonized Trump as “another Hitler!” They’ve gained many supporters with this strategy but it’s been a Pyrrhic victory since it has shredded the social fabric of the country they now rule. This is obviously unsustainable. America is no longer a functional and sustainable society. This is just not working at all.

“Does the Left Support the Assassination of Trump?” (3 min)

Ami Horowitz. July 25, 2024


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As a prosecutor I was forced to listen to defense attorneys tell ridiculous lies to a jury 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. My job was to avoid chasing red herrings all day, every day and keep the issues in focus. All Donald Trump needs to do for the next 100 days is stay on track. The "many supporters" you've referenced don't represent the majority of U. S. voters. Most voters know we can't go on this way. And ---try as they will --- the Democrats [and their bought and paid for media outlets] won't be able to erase that knowledge.

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We have already totally separated internally and are ever more fragmented externally although separating externally doesn’t seem possible. AI though could be the wild card that enables us to separate to an ever greater extent without a civil war separation. I think just these digital human chatbots that will soon be available on our phones which can carry on a conversation indistinguishable from a human, and generally even better, will soon be a game changer.

Especially for education which will make things like home schooling vastly easier and better and also with health care. So many people, even young people, have such terrible health issues that it would be tremendously popular to have reliable and totally up to date health care advice available from your digital human friend at any time, day or night. Just imagine how amazing and helpful that would be. Our ruling class would try to block it but then someone like Elon could make it available. We will soon see how this turns out.

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“A Trump victory would exacerbate fear and loathing among his enemies. They will challenge every executive action in court and parse every word he utters to define his motivations as rooted in racism, bigotry and malevolence. If they regained the House, Democrats would likely impeach him for the third time predicated on their belief that he is a threat to democracy and an aspiring dictator.”

“The 2024 election is a “lose-lose” for America. Biden’s agenda will continue to transform America without being granted permission by the voters. Trump will be blocked at every turn as he attempts to govern. American civilization, which is arguably in decline, will continue to have its foundations eroded and its institutions debased. Biden will likely use the force of government to force his opponents to comply with his plan to transform America. A second Trump presidency would demonstrate that our institutions and traditions do not function effectively when a sizable number of Americans refuse to accept an election result.”

Why 2024 is a lose-lose election.

The Hill. Apr 20, 2024


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I believe your predictions are on the money IF the republicans don't win the house and the senate. A Trump victory will mean less than nothing if congress isn't secured. The dems know this. Expect election fraud on an almost unimaginable scale [made easier by the fact not much has been done in the last three years to prevent it].

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Not my predictions. Quotes from the article although I certainly do agree with them. Even then it’s hard to see how we can have a functional society with so much hate against Trump. I recently saw a New York Times article about how they’ll fight to keep the illegals here in part by using the courts to block deportations. How can so many people support a party that fights for open borders? Truly bizarre.

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Gore Vidal once said, "I understand self-interested voting but suicidal voting is a whole new thing."

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Kangana Ranaut is a Bollywood Indian actress and BJP MP. The Bharatiya Janta Party is the Hindu Nationalist Party of Prime Minister Modi which has traditional Hindu religious values. They’re not anti-gay or anti-trans but they do believe in the family consisting of one man, one woman and do not accept promoting LGBTQ in schools or culture. That’s actually the same attitude Putin has in Russia. This basic understanding of sex and gender is also the global norm and is greatly helping the Russia, China led BRICS become the better side to be on. This mockery of Christ’s Last Supper at the Paris Olympics opening ceremonies has gone global and appalled people globally. All things are now global in our always online global civilization.

"The Paris Olympics is under fire for including a *child* in their hyper-s*xualized, blasphemous rendition of The Last Supper. An apparent child could be seen joining the drag queens during the performance. They also showed a naked man painted blue as Jesus and mocked Christianity. Leftists totally hijacked the Olympics 2024. Shame." Kangana Ranaut

Kangana Ranaut’s Savage Attack After ‘Sexualized’ Paris Olympics Performance; ‘Confine Sex To…’ (3 min)

Times of India. July 28, 2024


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Anyone keeping track of popular entertainment's direction in the West [particularly France, England and the good old U.S. of A.] knows things aren't going altogether well in the "religious values" department. But let me let you in on a little secret: China, while performing admirably in certain areas, isn't exactly known for religious tolerance either.

Although circus entertainers are free to exhibit whatever nonsense they like.... OUR government is nevertheless obligated, under OUR Constitution, to protect each citizen's right to worship as they please. China can't say the same.

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