I'm not sure even my heroes of the MAGA Movement understand how dangerous a Marxist prosecution system is to the future of this country. All the words coming out of AOC's mouth every minute of every day of every year [I don't know what that adds up to ...but...lets agree it's an impressive number] don't do nearly as much damage to the American people's day to day lives as ONE county laboring under a Marxist Prosecutor. If the Marxist Left controls a County's District Attorney, the City Attorney and the Grand Jury Foreman, they call all the shots. Revolutionaries are not prosecuted, law abiding gun owners are. Private property is not protected, vandals are. Businesses are not protected, looters are.

The reason so much moola is being poured into District Attorney races in major metropolitan areas is the Left realizes that's the shortest path to bringing down the Constitutional system they despise. They don't have to do another thing. They don't need the Constitutional Amendments they could never get, they don't need to control the Senate or even the Presidency ---they can burn down the whole thing just fine from the District Attorney's Office. All they need are useful idiot voters who fall for the line about "bringing compassion" into the D. A's Office.

Voters need to pay attention in these races. Vote for candidates who pledge to work with, not against, law enforcement agencies ...those who promise to enforce the law without prejudice or favor.

[May I make a parenthetical remark? I may? Oh, thank you. It occurred to me Garland's argument for the raid on Trump's home boils down to, "Trump didn't put his initials or paste a gold star on the papers he claims he declassified ---therefore there exists no proof he wanted them declassified." In property law it's well recognized that a person buying into a housing development with mutual restrictions on homeowners' rights to, say, place a fence around their front yard is on notice of those

restrictions simply by entering the development. In other words...a housing scheme, by & of itself, equals notice of scheme. There needn't be a big sign saying, "no fences around front yard, please!" In Trump's case possession of documents equals declassification. Trump's act of possessing the documents is all the proof Justice needs that Trump chose to declassify the documents he kept---he didn't have to signal his intention with kindergarten gold stars].

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This reminds me of the 1980’s film “Robocop”, i.e., that will be the future for urban cities under Democratic leadership.

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Just read about the civil suit filed against the Trump Family [btw, nice of them to leave Baron out]. I hope all of Trump's Staff [including the Sports Illustrated Models on his Legal Team] focus on the "specific intent to defraud" element of the suit. It's going to be impossible for the state to show any representation made by the Trump Family got banks "to do what they otherwise wouldn't do absent the misrepresentation" [which is the standard the State needs to meet----i.e., the State can't meet meet the "reliance" element or the "intent to defraud" elements of their case].

In California a case like this one would get thrown out via a motion to dismiss due to bad faith. My guess is the State of New York affords similar protection from this kind of bullshit.

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