The party that has caused this degeneracy in CA should be charged for the return to normalcy. Those ‘leaders’ who presided over the property losses and bankruptcies caused in places like San Francisco should be relieved of all their assets to compensate those eho have suffered these outrageous losses.

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A couple of observations -- Harris calls herself "the only prosecutor on stage ---the only one going after the cartels." She shouldn't be allowed to getaway with that statement. If the Trump Team did their homework they'd find Harris never personally prosecuted any of the categories of crime destroying her home state. Worse, rather than being "the only criminal prosecutor on stage" Harris is the "only TRUE criminal defendant on stage" --- her systematic refusal to stop the invasion at the southern border combined with her aiding the flow of UNMONITORED billions into Ukraine constitutes criminal conduct of the most serious degree. Given these "accomplishments" it's pretty rich watching the laughter erupt from her side every time the subject of the suffering of the American people is raised by Donald Trump.

Btw, Tampon Tim's wife is seriously off her rocker. Watch the "turn the page" video. She's clearly working herself up into some bizarre state of sublimated sexual excitement. David Lynch should consider inserting that entire rant into Dennis Hopper's dialog when he's wearing the oxygen mask in Blue Velvet.

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