Live Not by the Lies of the Ruling Class Regime
The Russia Hoax points to the larger trend of grand lies that the American ruling class inflicts upon the citizens of America.
The bombshell news over the weekend from the Durham prosecution revealed conclusively that Hillary Clinton and her operatives directed an infiltration of the servers of the Trump campaign as well as the White House itself when Donald Trump was our 45th president. Their scheming attempted to frame Trump as somehow compromised by Russia. This criminal deception points to the broader myth regarding Russia and the entire “collusion” hoax. In turn, that Russia Hoax narrative points to the larger trend of grand lies that the American ruling class inflicts upon the citizens of America.
Unfortunately, these grand lies find traction. As America increasingly descends into an oligarchy, it follows the predictable pattern of other such controlled societies as the ruling class regime pushes falsehoods that are ever more obvious and eminently disprovable. Yet, the prevarications persist and, in many cases, gain currency because of a fear of the consequences of truth-telling or due to simple exhausted acquiescence on the part of thinking citizens.
The Russian dissident and intellectual Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn warned us about exactly this kind of degradation of truth. Solzhenitsyn was imprisoned in brutal conditions for simply criticizing Soviet premier Josef Stalin in a private letter while he served as a young man in the Red Army. He wrote compellingly of his experiences, in novels such as One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and The Gulag Archipelago. On February 12, 1974, he published an essay “Live Not by Lies” which resulted in his expulsion from the Soviet Union the very next day. In that essay, he declared that “when people renounce lies, lies simply cease to exist. Like parasites, they can only survive when attached to a person.”
In that spirit, let us renounce the four most blatant and consequential grand lies of the American ruling class regime, deceptions broadcast loudly, with tactics of intimidation, but which nonetheless betray truth.
1. Russia Hoax – the latest explosive revelations from Durham comprise only a portion of the totality of mythmaking surrounding the macro concept of so-called Russian “collusion.” The Mueller Report found that his Special Counsel “Office did not charge any [Trump] Campaign associate or other U.S. person with conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts.” But Mueller went even further in his report, stipulating that no US citizen, at all, knowingly assisted Russian efforts to interfere in our elections.
There was simply no collusion, no coordination, no conspiracy. The entire ridiculous theory was concocted by Hilary Clinton and her minions in an effort to smear Trump as a traitor. In point of fact, these Durham charges damn Hillary and her associates as the actual conspirators, engaging in treasonous espionage against a duly elected, sitting US president.
Such facts did not deter the amplification of the grand lies from such hacks as Congressman Adam Schiff, head of the House Intelligence Committee. He used the platforms of cable news and other legacy corporate media outfits to regularly blast propaganda regarding Trump and a supposed Russian compromise, even though he explicitly knew from classified closed-session testimony that no such link existed. As the Wall Street Journal explained, “newly released Congressional testimony shows that Adam Schiff spread falsehoods shamelessly about Russia and Trump for three years even as his own committee gathered contrary evidence.”
2. The Accuracy of the 2020 Election Results – In true Soviet style, the American ruling class has declared that skepticism regarding the official results of the 2020 presidential election represent a “Big Lie.” The propagandists, according to corporate media and C-suite executives across America, are those who dare to point out the actual lie, the myth that the 2020 election was conducted justly and accurately. Even the most ardent defender of Biden’s win must acknowledge that the Covid virus allowed for unprecedented, last-minute changes to voting practices in many crucial battleground states. In key instances, such practices broke existing statutes and even state constitutions. For example, courts in both Wisconsin and Pennsylvania recently ruled that the use of drop boxes and universal vote-by-mail broke the laws of those states, and may not be repeated in 2022.
Those surreptitious tactics are illegal now, and they were illegal in 2020. Moreover, they created a two-tier voting system whereby election day “gameday” voters who leaned heavily to Trump were subjected to far greater scrutiny than drop-box and mass mail-in ballots, creating a clear violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. Hundreds of thousands of votes in key states should have been rejected as a 2020 version of 2000’s Bush v. Gore…on steroids.
Thankfully, Americans awaken to this reality, and persist in their cynicism regarding the 2020 results as promulgated by ruling class. Even CNN admits that its polling shows an astounding 86% of likely Republican 2022 voters do not believe Biden won legitimately.
3. Vaccine Efficacy – At a CNN town hall event last July, Joe Biden unequivocally stated: “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.” One of Biden’s most committed cheerleaders, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow issued a related declaration: "Now we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person.”
Of course, both of those claims are total lies, in conflict with ample evidence and with scientific reality. Biden and Maddow know they are lies. We know that they are lies, and both of them know…that we know…that they are lies. Herein lies the toxic nature of the present prevalence of grand lies in our country. When ruling class powerbrokers knowingly engage in blatant lies, and create highly consequential policies based on those lies, without any repercussions, our public polity enters a dangerous phase. For example, how many hundreds of thousands of Americans have lost their employment based on unscientific and illegal medical disclosure mandates based on these vaccine lies?
4. Inflation as Transitory – Last week the Consumer Price Index exploded to fresh 40 year highs with prices vaulting higher at a 7.5% annual clip. This news send interest rates spiking higher, with the yield on the benchmark 10 Year US Treasury Note soaring to over 2% for the first time in over two years. For reference, that key interest rate was only 0.8% when Biden prevailed on November 3, 2020.
Because of this new and pernicious inflation, American workers grow poorer every month as Real Wages, adjusted for inflation, have now fallen for 11 straight months under Biden. Nonetheless, officials from once-trusted institutions like the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury Department insisted on continually calling the inflation “transitory.”
That phrase flowed effortlessly from the lips of Fed Chair Powell, Treasury Secretary Yellen, as well as White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, who began promising as far back as last May that the price increases were “transitory, temporary.” All Americans know these inflation claims are lies, disproven on a daily basis with a simple trip to the gas station or the renewal of an apartment lease as rents vault higher.
Each of these grand lies alone does enormous damage to our faltering Republic. But taken together, they form a continual assault upon the very precepts of a free society, of a self-governing republic where truth matters and where the prerogatives of honest citizens ultimately prevail. So, let us heed the dire warnings of Solzhenitsyn, and pledge “a personal nonparticipation in lies!...Let their rule hold not through me!”
When Steve Cortes speaks, I listen. When he writes, I read.
A national treasure.
Great presentation of the facts.