When Steve Cortes speaks, I listen. When he writes, I read.

A national treasure.

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Agreed Russell. It reminds me of the commercial for EF Hutton in the 1970s & 1980s…. “When EF Hutton talks, people listen.”

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Great presentation of the facts.

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im sharing this on my fb.

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The USA (and the civilized world) are in REAL trouble. While the Biden Presidency is overly obvious in its desire to destroy America as we know it, there are too many things not adding up with Trump (just to name one shady character in a cast of unknown numbers-) and, for me, I seriously doubt he is for anyone other than himself. The majority of people are just now beginning to see what's BEEN happening and getting uneasy about what is about to happen... They're cornered and scared and looking to be 'saved', either from a God, or by the "Lesser of 2 Evils" at the Polls. Unfortunately, I don't believe either will come through- I feel saddest for the past generations who believed in "The American Dream" and even got a decent taste of it. Most younger folk have been indoctrinated with a biased view, had histories re-written to fit an agenda and taught NOT to really look and THINK, (Keep those eyes and mind glued to a screen!) and that they will never realize that they've lost what they never even knew they might've had.

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