When Gerald Celente uses the term Presstitutes, he's right on.

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When Gavin Newsom was caught "going to bed" with his best friend's wife [and doing large amounts of cocaine at parties], Willie Brown told him "let your detractors have some fun with this for a bit....don't fight back until people have forgotten the facts.... in about 30 days." Team Biden is betting voters won't even remember there WAS a debate by the 4th of July.

[btw, I don't know who's worse ---the cable stations who propped up Biden now criticizing him.... or the cable stations doing the Leslie Neilson impersonation as the burning fireworks station sends rockets into the air: "nothing to see here...move along"].....

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It's one thing to advocate for your parties position, quite another to prop up the demented leader of the free world. We are not talking about the head of the subdivision book club. To me a cover up this egregious is treason. This scares people and we all wonder with the safety of the nation at stake. who can they trust.

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