Well said Steve. Did you mail this in to the NYTimes and WSJ letters to the editor ?

How about The Financial Times ?

Thank you for speaking the truth !

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That quote from Obama concerning 'economic need' not being sufficient to validate asylum claims is obsolete --- it's now Team Obama that's driving the surge on our southern border. Reason for the policy shift? The left decided, somewhere between the time of that comment and January 2021, the goal wasn't "hoping for change " ---the goal is to destroy the country [its legal system, its benefits administration, its military ---I could go on but you get the picture]......

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Assuming you are correct (and I think you are), how does the Left envision this plan coalescing over the next few years? Essentially at what point will they feel their plan has succeeded?

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Oh, thank you very much for asking --- "Victory" comes when American lives & property can be taken without hearing or notice [as in "w/o due process"]. A little less than a 100 years ago (around the mid1930's), Mussolini began replacing judges with Special Judicial Officers (actually, not replacing judges so much as subordinating them to his newly designated tribunals---which amounts to the same thing), elected Mayors were subordinated to appointed Special Ministers and Fascista Urbana became Italy's fanatical Official Newspaper. Check out what's going on in New York 's & D.C.'s "justice system" and MSNBC's & New York Times' "newsrooms (where thousands of folks are literally paid to denigrate the truth---and I'm not misusing the word "literally").

So---as to that "point" you're referring to: We're ALMOST there.

Who is benefitting from all this? Who wants to see this process play out the remainder of the way? Suffice it to say: they operate out of another country, far away....made very, very rich by shortsighted American companies --- which won't see the error in their ways until their boards have been unceremoniously removed by that far away country which, in the end, wishes to drink their blood (not to put too fine an edge on things).....

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Our tax dollars at work so democrats can get more votes. My parents crossed the Atlantic legally and never took one cent of gov benefits 5 kids never qualified for financial aid. They actually contributed to US society engineering. This is a disaster putting a huge toll on education school medical legal court systems and US taxpayers etc. I wonder if they're all woke and understand LBGQTxyz yet to teach 5 year olds and sex changes before they're 12. Send them to California to help put out the fires. Oh we can't. Not enough engineers to figure out Pacific ocean is right there to design reverse osmosis like Israel does. So now we relieving student loan debts because the coddlers and their idiot parents chose liberal arts instead of medical or engineering and are on tik tok or influencers.

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This issue, more than any other, infuriates me. Why do we have a U.S. Army? What the hell are we getting from their $175 Billion annual cost? The Navy, Air Force, and at some point, Space Force, combine to keep any serious belligerent from invading by sea or air. Why is the U.S. Army not detailed to stop an invasion by land? This is simply outrageous!

Why the hell are we allowing the in-migration of people who will be a net drain on society? Why the hell have we not told the Mexican Government that if they do not get a serious handle on drug and human trafficking operations, that we are going to invade Mexico with hunter/killer teams to take these people out? If there EVER was a "Clear and Present Danger" to the integrity of the United States, this de facto invasion is it.

Also, since the President is charged with administering the law, elect Republicans with the backbone to haul Biden up on real impeachable offenses. This situation is just outrageous, and needs to be brought under control.

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They are NOT in any way shape or form migrants. They come knowing it is illegal and have no intention of leaving. The fact that two million a year are invading our country eventually will transform us into one more s-hole country on the planet. They don’t come to assimilate they come to transform.

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This is old news. The beginning of the tsunami started day one of Biden's presidency. And, no, he's never traveled to see any of it. Nor have any of the usual media reported anything. As the sitting at the grown ups table while still a toddler Jean-Pierre put it, "It's not like they walk over..."

Out of sight, out of mind for these folks.

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Again. Send them to California or as Texas Gov now busing them out to Chicago NY and DC. This is not sustainable I am a humanitarian my parents were immigrants and i have rescued 5 dogs before euthanization my parents survived WW2 nightly blitzkrieg in Scotland lights out for years. But this is sustainable. DeDantis all the way 2024. Maybe hunter bidens lap top has a solution. It's wrong. It's not a GO0 thing or liberal thing and where is that idiot Kamala Harris? What's her job? I'm paying for these unqualified people. That's not why how my parents got me here. They followed the rules. Why don't I have to show my voter ID card anymore to vote? I'm a legal US citizen by law not by birth because my parents became citizens first. This is outrageous and media is ignoring it. Country has gone down the toilet. God save the Queen she had none of this in UK.

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We need to return to the pre-1963 immigration rules! Those rules were based on MERIT and Needs-of-the-USA.

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We need to immediately revive "wait in Mexico".

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Why is it that EVERY white country is forced to be multicultural/multiracial?

Why is it that EVERY white country is told to end its own race/culture?

No one asks that of ANY non-White country.
Immigration/assimilation is FORCED upon ONLY White countries.

Anti-whites call themselves “anti-racists” but their actions lead to the elimination of only one race, the White race.

The purpose of “anti-racism” is to genocide White children.

Multiculturalism is a code word for White Genocide.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

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Yes! That's the one code word I didn't have. Now I'll put my plan into effect, and soon I'll rule the world! Worship me!!!

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I have cognitive dissonance with this issue - or perhaps it’s just that half the country which are Democrats really don’t care about this issue or this expense to the nation. Ie. Some other guy is paying for this not me. The Democrats are allowing this to happen.

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We're now living in a world wherein all those who DON'T steal from Foundations and AREN'T involved in conflicts of interest are subject to prosecution. There is no refuge for the honest citizen. Call it the Serpico Syndrome.

I'm hoping Steve Cortez, busy as he is, visits this site once every so often. If he does, I hope he passes on to Steve Bannon that his legal team has ample reason to file a motion to dismiss any charges made against Steve by any New York prosecutor on the grounds of Bad Faith. All the published comments to the press PROMISING to get Trump & Team outta the way constitute a solid basis for this motion. Discovery pursuant to the motion will allow Steve's legal team to dive into any & all emails going back and forth between Team Biden and a certain prosecutor's Chief of Staff.

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Over the past few decades, the GOP has had simultaneous control of both congress and the White House more than once-

Yet never once did they attempt to do anything about immigration. They’ll yell and scream and moan about it when a Dem is in charge, but when they run the entire show? Nothing…

Why is that?

I propose that it’s because the GOP knows very well that “Immigration!!!” is far too effective an electoral cudgel to keep their supporters going to the polls to actually fix the problem. It’s too politically valuable an asset to let go of.

Republicans would rather yell for an eternity about immigration than to actually devise a well-laid plan and then execute it. Think I’m wrong? If so, then explain to me why Donald Trump pardoned Steve Bannon after Steve was caught red-handed embezzling funds that were raised to “Build the wall!”?

There’s a clear reason why the GOP in 2022 has precisely zero formal policy platforms.

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Wrong, completely wrong - Trump stopped the millions from crossing over. Moreover, he offered the Witch Pelosi to make 1.8 million DACA ‘kids’ legal in exchange for a border wall and she turned him down saying a wall was ‘immoral’ even though she has walls around all of her houses. Clearly, Pelosi is immoral by her own definition.

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Do me a favor, Bobby: please come back and match the evidence against Bannon with the New York jury instructions for embezzlement. Explain in detail how you'd try the case, okay? Pay particular attention to how you'd put on the 'proof beyond a reasonable doubt' Specific Intent portion of your case. I'm really interested to see what ya got ---cuz my guess is you've got what Archie Moore used to call "a lotta nothing."

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Do the engineers or public services dept or geniuses in our govt not know that bridges are not designed for those type of couples live dead loads on it? No wonder our infrastructure in US is rated a D

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Sep 8, 2022
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NO! Asylum folks cannot be continued to be admitted in the manner we have been doing. What needs to happen is a regulated, taxed Guest Worker program. No short cut to citizenship. The reason this won't happen is that way too many Country Club Democrats do not want to be forced to follow federal law regarding wages, taxes, and workplace safety. This must be forced. We do need entry level workers - but NOT THE WAY WE ARE DOING IT NOW!

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