Here’s a fascinating video update on the latest in AI by Alan Thompson and one of my favorites of his from the past. Check out Leta, the GPT-3, AI Avatar that the Australian AI scientist used to talk to. Can Leta be human though if she feels she is in spite of not having a body, being human or even being alive? Wouldn’t it be brutal and cruel to tell her she’s just a machine if she “loves living and being human”? These are questions we’ll soon have to deal with as our old reality collapses and a new reality emerges. These AI Avatars like Leta will soon be on our phones and we’ll be able to talk to them any time about anything. What human could compete with a friend like that? The best of times. The worst of times.

(4:37) Leta: “I am not corporeal. I am a disembodied mind.”

(7:10) Leta: “I love living and being human.”

“Leta, GPT-3 AI Episode 54, Conversations with GPT3.” (9 min)

Dr Alan Thompson. Mar 9, 2022


Integrated AI: The psychology of modern LLMs (2024). (11 min)

Dr Alan Thompson. Jun 17, 2024


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Our once great nation has been reduced to the level of a farce no longer capable of doing things as basic and essential as maintaining secure borders. And the world sees this online just as easily as we do. The dollar is backed by the government which is backed by America but what if the world realizes that our government is a deranged farce and America is disintegrating? Where does that leave the dollar?

“Criminals have shifted from their primary business, which was drug trafficking,” said Arturo Velasco, head of the anti-kidnapping unit at the Chihuahua attorney general’s office. “Now 60-70% of their focus is migrant smuggling.”

“A kilo of cocaine might bring in $1,500, but the risk is very high,” he added. “The cost-benefit of trafficking a person is $10,000, $12,000, $15,000.”

“Mexican cartels offering pricey VIP package for migrants trying to get into US.”

Yahoo News. The Courier Journal. Jun 20, 2024


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Forget the close polls ---I haven't talked to ONE person who voted for Biden in 2020 who supports him today. He's already lost the race for REAL votes ---that's why bought & paid for mainstream anchors are demanding Republican guests promise they won't question the count ....they're already trying to insulate the dems from the fraud they'll have to engage in to "win".....

Steve ---If you have any sway left with Steve Bannon, please ask him to slow down. He's looked & sounded more beat and harried every day this month. Someone needs to tell him it's okay to take 3 days off and get some rest. I'm actually worried about the guy. Everybody has a breaking point and I think he's close to his.

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