What I continue to not understand, is how the hig money people continue to shovel money to ROVE as he continues to fail. Also, the left is much more sophisticated in how they use their money for their goal. ROVE is stuck in the days of Bush and the old ways of politics. But FOX keeps bringing his smug self back. Anyway, love Steve Cortes and his wisdom snd guidance through this financial storm. Thank you
It feels highly unlikely they are shoveling money based on convictions, as opposed to expecting to get it back on the other side of the election. Rove, I suppose, must be succeeding enough for them to figure their investment is into positive returns.
Well said, "In spite of conflicted Karl Rove, the America First movement will unabashedly continue making that case to earn the vote of every citizen, from inner cities to rural hamlets."
Donald Trump's greatest achievement was igniting the hatred of the swamp creatures to such a high heat they unwittingly exposed themselves. Cheneys, Rove, the Bushes - they were once respected Republicans. Even if we didn't always agree with their direction or methods, the feeling was they had America's interests at heart. Now we know they'd kill us to further their interests. Politics in a time of disruption and polarization - patriots against globalists.
Karl Rove is as irrelevant as the other purportedly conservative "Never Trumpers"; Jonah Goldberg. George Will, Bill Krystal, Max Boot et al. Back in the day when I regularly read the Wall Street Journal op ed pages I NEVER read Karl Rove's pieces. Didn't need to, I knew what he was and who's payroll he was on! Rove gave us McCain and Romney; both big time losers, and fought tooth and nail against Trump, the only winner in the bunch. He has about as much credibility as CNN and WaPo.
Love your sentiments but as a born Chicagoan living on the Southside, the Chicago dems will produce however many votes they need to stay in power. THe margin of fraud is just too vast.
Rove and his ilk are dinosaurs. They just don’t know it yet. Steve what’s your analysis on what happened in Georgia? How is it possible Kemp and his compatriots outperformed the polls by such a wide number? Is it truly that fraud is so widespread? Or are voters there more moderate? Would love an article breaking down the possibilities.
Chicago is a complete goner . It was a nice city once upon a time...i can only recall my time living in the city when it was safe to move around as late as 11:30 pm after catching a movie in downtown Chicago ( @AMC theater near Grand )
Downtown Chicago is no longer that safe as the criminal gangs have been let loose on the public with the blessings of the most corrupt politicians in the democrat party.
Why anyone would like to run for Governor of this state is beyond me. Even a Dark Knight cannot save the city
I live in Illinois. Irvin has praised Pritzker -- even from the same podium! For what I don't know, but that's all you need to know about Irvin. I'm not sure Bailey can win, but Irvin would get trounced if he gets the nomination. I think Rove knows that.
"America Firsters" and Trumpist populist are driving lifelong conservatives like me out of the GOP while falsely claiming to be conservatives. Which is real conservatism - reforming entitlements, making sure Americans can't free ride by not paying taxes but getting tax refunds and supporting an active defense and promotion of American values on the world stage as people like Romney, Ryan and Cheney have tried to do, or dropping stimulus funds out of airplanes like Trump and turning our backs on our allies against tyranny and Soviet/Russian expansion in Europe like Trump, JD Vance and Josh Hawley new wave Republicans prefer? I'll take Reagan, Bush, Cheney, Romney and Ryan any day.
Reagan, Bush, Cheney, Romney and Ryan. Like the old Sesame Street thing goes, "one of these things just doesn't belong here". Maybe we'll lose you to the McLosers, oh well, we're gaining far more independents and Democrats who are tired of the Democrats and the Republicans who lose to Democrats civilly.
Reagan, yes. The others aren't worth a bucket of spit. The Bushes and Cheneys never met a war they didn't like - including lying Liz. Unfortunately, tens of thousands of American soldiers paid the price for their "bravery."
"Lying Liz"???? Riiiight. They are ALL lying. Every former aide, every former cabinet officer, every deputy or assistant cabinet officer, every former generals who served under Trump. They all think he is incompetent and crazy. But they are ALL lying!! They are all part of the Deep State!! They are all in the same conspiracy. Only Trump is telling us the truth!!! (well, and Steve Bannon and Tucker Carlson too, I guess.) Just keep believing that.
What you laughingly refer to as "real conservatism" is what the rest of the world calls the Swamp. As your goal is to be a Swampster, the GOP is better off without you. We prefer actual conservatives to your brand of RINO. As to your criticism of stimulus funds, Pres. Trump never would have had them available without the assistance of your Swampster RINO paragons. And in case you've forgotten, this age of boundless cash handouts started with Swampster RINO W, and TARP.
Yup, folks. When you get to the bottom of the barrel, and "Team Normal" is too exhausted to keep defending democracy on behalf of all of us, this is the sludge that will bubble up.
So sad Steve. Suggesting wingnut candidates like "I am a witch" Christine O'Donnell made Chris Coons a Senator in Delaware, Roy Moore made Doug Jones a senator in Alabama, Todd Akin continued Claire McCaskill's run in Missouri, etc. etc. When will right wing organizations learn?????
Why does America First choose to be the right's equivalent of the leftist nutjob Squad "Social Justice" promoters?
Both types of irrational zealots end up costing their parties what should have been winnable elections all in the name of purity.
Into the Valley of Death go those that support America First!! Wake up!!!
Your view from NYC is so skewed that you don't have a clue. Having lived the first thirty years of my life in WI and the last thirty in MA I can guarantee you that living in a deep blue area gives you a warped perspective. I suspect the same is true in deep red areas as well but for every one of your examples there are two going the other way.
I was born in PA and worked for much of my life in TX, so I am quite familiar with loons from both the left and the right.
The point is that the left has become certifiably crazy, but that does not give Steve Cortes the license to jump in and promote certifiably crazies too.
That is why the right has never gotten sufficient majorities to do anything meaningful.
I disagree with you to some extent. I believe one of the reasons Republicans don't get enough congress people is because every time there is a chance to drub the Democrats in the next election, you get 10 Republican Senators banding together with Democrats to impede our ability to defend ourselves with new gun legislation and the head Republican negotiator has the gall to come to the camera and yell that he's tackling immigration reform next. How many million Republicans will now just sit at home thinking all is lost?
Well said, and brave to post here in this sinkhole of craziness. Yes, the left has it's share of loons too, but no way near as many as today's Republican Party. I'll support a principled, intelligent Republican every time - but there aren't many left.
I live in Alabama. It's not just Carl Rove and his kind that are ruining our primary elections it's the ill-advised endorsements by DJT and his surrogates. The America First voters know who Katie Britt and Kay Ivey are and it's not MAGA. They will join with the RHINOS when they want to no matter who has endorsed them. Please stop staying that MAGA are 2/3 of Republican voters. In Alabama it's more like 1/4. Please listen to what we are saying!!!
Big Tent. If people on the right (or the left, though I hope the lefties do) keep denigrating people basically on their side then the other side wins. It's not even totally clear what 'America First' or 'MAGA' v. 'globalist elite RINO' actually means besides people on the right who do and don't like Trump. But it's clear a lot of people on the right are not that attached to Trump, Trump has a ton of baggage now to carry in a general election, so keeping the left from dominating (and destroying IMO) the country is going to take Big Tent thinking on the right. Which includes me holding my nose, again, and voting for Trump if the GOP is unwise enough to nominate him in 2024 but his chance of winning would be remote IMO. But I will not vote for him in 2024 primary because I don't want the Democrats to win the general. If that's makes me a globalist RINO whatever, so be it. I'm not name calling people who would vote for Trump in a primary though.
This isn't about Trump. It's about his polices and ideas. I'll support anyone that defends fair elections, good jobs for American citizens and stopping the globalists. Unfortunately, we don't have those kind of leaders where I live.
Rove, in my opinion, is an ass-whole.....meaning, not just an ass, but a “complete” ass. Never could stand him & his little dry erase board.
Now PLEASE do a piece on Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania. He is an amazing patriot and the sleaze ball Shapiro, is spreading all kinds of lies against him. #MastrianoforGovernor
Thank you Steve Cortes for educating me once again . Great work ! Karl Rove needs to go back to his farm and produce food instead of LOSERS!
Great job Steve
What I continue to not understand, is how the hig money people continue to shovel money to ROVE as he continues to fail. Also, the left is much more sophisticated in how they use their money for their goal. ROVE is stuck in the days of Bush and the old ways of politics. But FOX keeps bringing his smug self back. Anyway, love Steve Cortes and his wisdom snd guidance through this financial storm. Thank you
It's simple, they want to stop the rise of the middle class
It feels highly unlikely they are shoveling money based on convictions, as opposed to expecting to get it back on the other side of the election. Rove, I suppose, must be succeeding enough for them to figure their investment is into positive returns.
Well said, "In spite of conflicted Karl Rove, the America First movement will unabashedly continue making that case to earn the vote of every citizen, from inner cities to rural hamlets."
Donald Trump's greatest achievement was igniting the hatred of the swamp creatures to such a high heat they unwittingly exposed themselves. Cheneys, Rove, the Bushes - they were once respected Republicans. Even if we didn't always agree with their direction or methods, the feeling was they had America's interests at heart. Now we know they'd kill us to further their interests. Politics in a time of disruption and polarization - patriots against globalists.
Karl Rove is as irrelevant as the other purportedly conservative "Never Trumpers"; Jonah Goldberg. George Will, Bill Krystal, Max Boot et al. Back in the day when I regularly read the Wall Street Journal op ed pages I NEVER read Karl Rove's pieces. Didn't need to, I knew what he was and who's payroll he was on! Rove gave us McCain and Romney; both big time losers, and fought tooth and nail against Trump, the only winner in the bunch. He has about as much credibility as CNN and WaPo.
Karl Rove is busy recruiting Wyoming Democrats to vote for Liz Cheney in her Republican primary.
Love your sentiments but as a born Chicagoan living on the Southside, the Chicago dems will produce however many votes they need to stay in power. THe margin of fraud is just too vast.
And nothing gets done because the lazy people who SHOULD be doing something about it are always "on vacation" ......
Rove and his ilk are dinosaurs. They just don’t know it yet. Steve what’s your analysis on what happened in Georgia? How is it possible Kemp and his compatriots outperformed the polls by such a wide number? Is it truly that fraud is so widespread? Or are voters there more moderate? Would love an article breaking down the possibilities.
Chicago is a complete goner . It was a nice city once upon a time...i can only recall my time living in the city when it was safe to move around as late as 11:30 pm after catching a movie in downtown Chicago ( @AMC theater near Grand )
Downtown Chicago is no longer that safe as the criminal gangs have been let loose on the public with the blessings of the most corrupt politicians in the democrat party.
Why anyone would like to run for Governor of this state is beyond me. Even a Dark Knight cannot save the city
I live in Illinois. Irvin has praised Pritzker -- even from the same podium! For what I don't know, but that's all you need to know about Irvin. I'm not sure Bailey can win, but Irvin would get trounced if he gets the nomination. I think Rove knows that.
Law and Order will carry the day in 2022 and 2024. Democrat Marxists must be defeated.
Always knew Rove was a useful idiot. He hasn’t got anything right since his Bush days.
"America Firsters" and Trumpist populist are driving lifelong conservatives like me out of the GOP while falsely claiming to be conservatives. Which is real conservatism - reforming entitlements, making sure Americans can't free ride by not paying taxes but getting tax refunds and supporting an active defense and promotion of American values on the world stage as people like Romney, Ryan and Cheney have tried to do, or dropping stimulus funds out of airplanes like Trump and turning our backs on our allies against tyranny and Soviet/Russian expansion in Europe like Trump, JD Vance and Josh Hawley new wave Republicans prefer? I'll take Reagan, Bush, Cheney, Romney and Ryan any day.
Reagan, Bush, Cheney, Romney and Ryan. Like the old Sesame Street thing goes, "one of these things just doesn't belong here". Maybe we'll lose you to the McLosers, oh well, we're gaining far more independents and Democrats who are tired of the Democrats and the Republicans who lose to Democrats civilly.
Reagan, yes. The others aren't worth a bucket of spit. The Bushes and Cheneys never met a war they didn't like - including lying Liz. Unfortunately, tens of thousands of American soldiers paid the price for their "bravery."
"Lying Liz"???? Riiiight. They are ALL lying. Every former aide, every former cabinet officer, every deputy or assistant cabinet officer, every former generals who served under Trump. They all think he is incompetent and crazy. But they are ALL lying!! They are all part of the Deep State!! They are all in the same conspiracy. Only Trump is telling us the truth!!! (well, and Steve Bannon and Tucker Carlson too, I guess.) Just keep believing that.
What you laughingly refer to as "real conservatism" is what the rest of the world calls the Swamp. As your goal is to be a Swampster, the GOP is better off without you. We prefer actual conservatives to your brand of RINO. As to your criticism of stimulus funds, Pres. Trump never would have had them available without the assistance of your Swampster RINO paragons. And in case you've forgotten, this age of boundless cash handouts started with Swampster RINO W, and TARP.
Yup, folks. When you get to the bottom of the barrel, and "Team Normal" is too exhausted to keep defending democracy on behalf of all of us, this is the sludge that will bubble up.
So sad Steve. Suggesting wingnut candidates like "I am a witch" Christine O'Donnell made Chris Coons a Senator in Delaware, Roy Moore made Doug Jones a senator in Alabama, Todd Akin continued Claire McCaskill's run in Missouri, etc. etc. When will right wing organizations learn?????
Why does America First choose to be the right's equivalent of the leftist nutjob Squad "Social Justice" promoters?
Both types of irrational zealots end up costing their parties what should have been winnable elections all in the name of purity.
Into the Valley of Death go those that support America First!! Wake up!!!
Your view from NYC is so skewed that you don't have a clue. Having lived the first thirty years of my life in WI and the last thirty in MA I can guarantee you that living in a deep blue area gives you a warped perspective. I suspect the same is true in deep red areas as well but for every one of your examples there are two going the other way.
I was born in PA and worked for much of my life in TX, so I am quite familiar with loons from both the left and the right.
The point is that the left has become certifiably crazy, but that does not give Steve Cortes the license to jump in and promote certifiably crazies too.
That is why the right has never gotten sufficient majorities to do anything meaningful.
I disagree with you to some extent. I believe one of the reasons Republicans don't get enough congress people is because every time there is a chance to drub the Democrats in the next election, you get 10 Republican Senators banding together with Democrats to impede our ability to defend ourselves with new gun legislation and the head Republican negotiator has the gall to come to the camera and yell that he's tackling immigration reform next. How many million Republicans will now just sit at home thinking all is lost?
Well said, and brave to post here in this sinkhole of craziness. Yes, the left has it's share of loons too, but no way near as many as today's Republican Party. I'll support a principled, intelligent Republican every time - but there aren't many left.
I live in Alabama. It's not just Carl Rove and his kind that are ruining our primary elections it's the ill-advised endorsements by DJT and his surrogates. The America First voters know who Katie Britt and Kay Ivey are and it's not MAGA. They will join with the RHINOS when they want to no matter who has endorsed them. Please stop staying that MAGA are 2/3 of Republican voters. In Alabama it's more like 1/4. Please listen to what we are saying!!!
Big Tent. If people on the right (or the left, though I hope the lefties do) keep denigrating people basically on their side then the other side wins. It's not even totally clear what 'America First' or 'MAGA' v. 'globalist elite RINO' actually means besides people on the right who do and don't like Trump. But it's clear a lot of people on the right are not that attached to Trump, Trump has a ton of baggage now to carry in a general election, so keeping the left from dominating (and destroying IMO) the country is going to take Big Tent thinking on the right. Which includes me holding my nose, again, and voting for Trump if the GOP is unwise enough to nominate him in 2024 but his chance of winning would be remote IMO. But I will not vote for him in 2024 primary because I don't want the Democrats to win the general. If that's makes me a globalist RINO whatever, so be it. I'm not name calling people who would vote for Trump in a primary though.
This isn't about Trump. It's about his polices and ideas. I'll support anyone that defends fair elections, good jobs for American citizens and stopping the globalists. Unfortunately, we don't have those kind of leaders where I live.
Rove, in my opinion, is an ass-whole.....meaning, not just an ass, but a “complete” ass. Never could stand him & his little dry erase board.
Now PLEASE do a piece on Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania. He is an amazing patriot and the sleaze ball Shapiro, is spreading all kinds of lies against him. #MastrianoforGovernor