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Lost in the smoke is the fact Putin began submitting detailed plans for a Federated Ukraine to the United Nations directly after their pro-Russian President was run out of town in the most successful 'color revolution' of our time. We should have engaged Putin in discussions at that time.

But that's all blood under the bridge now. Today's problem is the money laundering operation Zelensky & the Dems are waging. Something is very wrong when Mazie Hirano allows Schumer to announce on her behalf she isn't interested in funds for devastated Maui UNLESS they are tied to 150 billion in aid to Ukraine..... and, then, votes along with Schumer against monitoring the funds. Mazie is not, as so many have suggested lately, a dim bulb. In fact, she is quite the opposite. It is despicable that the Dems force their own to betray their states [and their oaths] to keep this obscene gravy train rolling down the tracks.

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