You talk about reality, Steve. Here's the "reality" ---The mainstream press, with zero pushback from RINOS, has convinced much of the country that it's "compassionate" for the USA to go broke. The idea that it's wise for a bankrupt county to stretch it's services further is plainly goofy.....but, unfortunately, if folks are told 24/7 its a moral imperative... chances are they'll come to believe it. Over the last 10 years an impressive percentage of Americans have bought the notion the Civil Rights Act never got passed, the Equal Protection Clause doesn't exist, a majority of unbiased [but naive] voters didn't twice place Obama in the highest position in the land. Now, I'm hearing mainstream media say Steve Bannon deserves what Team Biden is doing to him. Why? Because he's a "grifter." These folks couldn't make a case of embezzlement against Mr. Bannon in a million years ---so what they're really saying is "anyone we CALL a grifter deserves whatever we do to them." Why is it okay to indict Trump? --because "anyone we SAY is involved in espionage deserves to be punished."
This is the upside down, cocked up world we live in. And, unless a small band of very brave [and underfunded & under-lawyered) men and women prevail it's the world our children will live out their lives in.
You talk about reality, Steve. Here's the "reality" ---The mainstream press, with zero pushback from RINOS, has convinced much of the country that it's "compassionate" for the USA to go broke. The idea that it's wise for a bankrupt county to stretch it's services further is plainly goofy.....but, unfortunately, if folks are told 24/7 its a moral imperative... chances are they'll come to believe it. Over the last 10 years an impressive percentage of Americans have bought the notion the Civil Rights Act never got passed, the Equal Protection Clause doesn't exist, a majority of unbiased [but naive] voters didn't twice place Obama in the highest position in the land. Now, I'm hearing mainstream media say Steve Bannon deserves what Team Biden is doing to him. Why? Because he's a "grifter." These folks couldn't make a case of embezzlement against Mr. Bannon in a million years ---so what they're really saying is "anyone we CALL a grifter deserves whatever we do to them." Why is it okay to indict Trump? --because "anyone we SAY is involved in espionage deserves to be punished."
This is the upside down, cocked up world we live in. And, unless a small band of very brave [and underfunded & under-lawyered) men and women prevail it's the world our children will live out their lives in.
The disaster of this regime has put Illinois in play. My home state of Massachusetts is also more in play than national pundits will acknowledge. Here's why: