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If Trump did the homework [he stopped doing that 2 or 3 years ago], he'd be able to point out that California's problems are the result of massive fraud. The property taxes collected to repair streets, maintain parks & libraries, fund food and housing programs, hire police, prosecutors and firefighters, etc. etc. aren't hitting the streets. The citizens of California are actually told "Oh, you need a bridge repaired? Pass a bond ---we wasted your taxes. You want computers in classrooms? Pass a bond. We're broke." City government in California is all about giving dem attorneys, contractors & accountants tax money to undertake fantasy social programs ---with a large percentage of the money finding its way back, in the form of campaign contributions, to the officials who approve it. The biggest scam is giving away city litigation funds by putting the dimmest attorneys in the City Attorney's office in charge of fighting meritless civil liability cases against police departments.

[Every scam I referenced, btw, is going on at an accelerated rate on the federal level].

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