First, outstanding piece by Cortez. Many thanks, Steve.

Secondly, although the end of merit in law schools and bar examinations may not be "deadly", it's not exactly ideal either. Assuming it's even possible to guess what the current state of the law is after 3 years of Garland [and the federal court system] ignoring due process, freedom of speech, attorney/ client privilege, etc., one has to wonder about a system which allows law students to become attorneys simply by clerking for 6 months in a law firm rather than passing a comprehensive examination on torts, property, constitutional law, evidence, contracts, criminal law and procedure. Presumably the generation of lawyers produced by this system will then tutor the next generation of lawyers ....and the predictable results will be felt by clients. [Of course, it could be argued the results can't be worse than the lawyering Trump got in New York where his "team" is now complaining they "still don't know what the charge was." If so, what in the flying fuck did they plead "Not Guilty" to? How can one plead if not placed on notice of the specific charge? Why wasn't a demurrer lodged? It would have been denied and they could have avoided the little pseudo trial presided over by toy judge merchan [I can't bring myself to use capitalization] and gone straight to appeal].

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Open borders, dumbed down schools, the demonization of “Whiteness!” and the war on meritocracy which is being replaced with “Equity” aka Equal Outcomes are just a few of the many ways the democrats are destroying this country yet many of our “fellow Americans” have no problem with this and support the democrats. This is just not working at all.

“Editor’s Note: America is at war. This is not a traditional war, fought on a battlefield against an external enemy. It is a civilizational conflict against an internal enemy: the group quota regime, a revolutionary threat that seeks to reorganize American society around the principle of outcome equality — what the regime’s partisans call “equity.”

“This cold civil war may go unnoticed by many day-to-day, but its stakes are often as high as life and death. Here, Roger B. Cohen, a celebrated oncologist and professor in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, explains how the group quota regime has taken hold of the American medical education system and asks urgent questions about the consequences for medicine, for the sick, and for the country.”

“The End of Merit in Med Schools Will Be Deadly.”

Real Clear Politics. Roger Cohen. Apr 2, 2024


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